Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Intuit Your Answer!

Your back is up against the wall, you're in crisis, there seems to be no way out, you need an answer ---open your mind, intuit it! When problems press hard against the psyche, it becomes white hot. Mind opens up. Answers can come in a flash, or via an unexpected encounter, or through a rip roaring dream that provides a lit up perspective on a dark dilemma that's been plaguing us.

Intuitive understanding is a natural faculty of soul. it can be honed via awareness. The more we are aware of intuitive potential the more intuition speaks to us. Guidance comes as we are conscious of the fact that it can come. In the words of C.G. Jung, “Intuition does not denote something contrary to reason, but something outside of the province of reason.” 

Intuition flashes through mind. It comes as image on the white screen of mind. It occurs with inspiration in the moment. Dreams come of meeting up with someone we haven't seen in years. We see them that very next day. I dreamt of an old professor I hadn't seen in twenty years. The next day I saw him driving by. He was a scholar on the depth psychology of inner calm. It spoke to me loud and clear, an intuitive message regarding my need to cultivate inner calm. 

The intuitive message came because I needed an answer. I was open to one. Answers can come within the minute or within the day. Some take longer. The more we look and listen, the more intuition knows we are open to and serious about hearing what needs to be heard and seeing what needs to be seen. In the words of Jung, the message needn't be in the form of a rational explanation, not long or drawn out. It's something that hits us, strikes us as true and meaningful for us  at the time, an answer that lights up dark places of mind and clears through that which  plagues the soul!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Life Is Too Much!

No question about is too much! After over thirty years of treating patients in psychotherapy, I'm convinced there's a reason it's too much. It's too much because we're in the midst of a life or attitude shift. We don't want it. We want to cling to the old, tried and true, but misery making attitudes, life styles, relationships. They're what we're familiar with. So, the energy for the shift builds up, and gets to be too much!

Dreams of floods start up, toilets backed up, out of control fires. Life is too much, we say in waking moments. Then dreams too become too much. We're overwhelmed with the too muchness of everything. Relationships start acting up. Work goes into deluge mode. Everything gets on our nerves. It's too much!

So, the thing is...what to do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Don't do a thing. The too muchnees of it all can guide us. It is built-up energy in life. Once we settle, cease our frantic attitude and behavior, the soul sees more clearly. This takes time, for sure; but, mental swirls and confusion part way to a clear mental sky when soul settles. Taking a breath, or two, right now and understanding that life is shifting. We're in the midst of a shift. Energy begins to be loosened, begins to find its way.

The psyche is an energetic system. It is energy. Pure energy finds an outlet. Once it ceases in one direction, it moves into another. Energy doesn't end, die, cease transforming. Energy shifts, is constantly shifting. Your life feels like it's too much because your life energy is shifting right question about it!